The research OBJECTSUBJECTOBJECT - The resignification of dancing bodies through the relationship between subjects, had its beginning of structuring in 2019, during the master's degree in Dance within the Postgraduate Dance Program at UFRJ. In 2021 it was awarded by the "New research in Dance - Dissertations and Theses" by the National Association of Dance Researchers _ ANDA 2021 published in ebook and available for free download HERE .
OBJECTSUBJECTBJECT (OSO) seeks to understand how human and non-human bodies can come together to form a new non-standardized body, pushing and rubbing the concept of dance and body. Based mainly on Object Oriented Ontology, on the concept of "instauration" conceived by the Brazilian plastic artist Tunga and on the work of Oskar Schlemmer at the German Bauhaus school, the research is based mainly on three pillars: the dances of things, horizontality of systems and displacement of roles between subject and object.
The transit of analyzes and actions related to OSO takes place in multiple, transdisciplinary and multilingual ways, such as practical experimentation laboratories, participation in events, congresses, scientific meetings, artistic exhibitions and seminars, in addition to videos, texts and other manifestations.
Currently, the research is being deepened and within the doctorate in Performing Arts/Scenic Arts at Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro - UNIRIO with a thesis project called The Thinf of The Scene.